Membership Information
The Akron Metro Parks Hiking Club (AMPHC) is a recreational non-profit organization founded in 1965. Our hikes are usually five miles and are scheduled throughout the month at different locations in Summit County and surrounding areas of Ohio. Many of our hikes are on trails in Cuyahoga Valley National Park or one of the Metro Parks, although we often feature "neighborhood" walks on sidewalks and streets. Upon joining the club you will receive our monthly newsletter, "Footprint," which contains the Hiking Schedule plus other club news and events. You will receive the "Footprint" via e-mail. Our hiking schedule is also posted on our website Akron Metro Parks Hiking Club.
After one hike as a visitor, an individual may join the club for a yearly membership fee of $10 for singles or $15 for families.
Occasionally social events are included with a hike such as lunch or dinner, ice cream stops, etc. Every summer the club hosts an annual picnic and in February the Soup/Chili hike is a great way to enjoy a winter day in the company of friends. An annual meeting and dinner is scheduled every October at which time we elect new Board officers. The board consists of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Pathfinder, Trip Pathfinder, and three Directors. Our Trip Pathfinder plans special trips in the spring and fall of each year. These are usually to a state park in Ohio or a neighboring state.
Mileage patches are awarded once a hiker has achieved a certain level of miles walked: 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, etc. One of our members has hiked over 23,000 miles!
We are always happy to welcome new members. You can download a Membership Information and Application Form at Membership Form. Please complete the form and return it with your dues to Diane Lybarger, P.O Box 187, Lakemore, OH 44250.